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‘Improving population-level refractive error monitoring via mixture distributions,’ OPHTHALMIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS
Fricke, T. R., Keay, L., Resnikoff, S., Tahhan, N., Koumbo, O., Paudel, P., Ayton, L. N., Britten-Jones, A. C., Kweon, S., Li, J. C. and Lee, L, et al.
Understanding visual processing of motion: Completing the picture using experimentally driven computational models of MT. Rev. Neurosci.
Zarei Eskikand P, Grayden DB, Kameneva T, Burkitt AN, Ibbotson MR
‘Characterization of extracellular spike waveforms recorded in wallaby primary visual cortex.’ Front. Neurosci
Jung YJ, Sun SH, Almasi A, Yunzab M, Meffin H, Ibbotson MR
Vision in older people
‘Having the conversation about vision for safe driving with older adults: an exploratory study of eyecare professional experiences in England and Australia,’ CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPTOMETRY,
Piano, M. E., Veerhuis, N., Edwards, J., Traynor, V. and Carey, N
Vision in children
‘Establishing a method to estimate the effect of antimyopia management options on lifetime cost of myopia,’ BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY,
Fricke, T. R., Sankaridurg, P., Naduvilath, T., Resnikoff, S., Tahhan, N., He, M. and Frick, K. D