Flying Doctor Mobile Eye Care Service
The Royal Flying Doctor Service Victoria (RFDS Victoria) and ACO Eye Health have partnered for over ten years to deliver the Flying Doctor Mobile Eye Care service, a program which provides comprehensive optometry services to remote and rural communities throughout Victoria. Over the decade-long partnership, the mobile service is estimated to have saved patients 5,032 hours of travel time.
For many living in remote communities without fixed services, the time and cost of travelling hundreds of kilometers for optometry care is challenging. Despite the fact that more than 90% of vision impairment is preventable or treatable, missing regular eye health checks or treatment is too often a reality of rural living, and risks more serious future health concerns. Established by RFDS Victoria, the Mobile Eye Care service is an integral element in their mission to deliver preventative care to rural communities.

The mobile service liaises with community nurses to organise an optometrist visit, typically visiting two communities on a five-day trip. These consultations provide bulk-billed eye exams, referrals for advanced care, and glasses which are prepared at ACO Eye Health’s dispensing lab and dispatched by post. The cost of glasses is covered by the Victorian Eyecare Scheme (VES) with a modest contribution from the patient. In a 2023 survey, 100% of patients reported that the service made it easier for them to access care and 90% reported they received care at no cost or at a more affordable cost.
“Transport is a real thing here… If [people] don’t drive, which many people don’t, we can’t order a non-urgent ambulance”
– Community Nurse
“There is often an emphasis on hospital care and proximity to hospitals when discussing rural healthcare. RFDS is known for taking people to hospital, but we also know the importance of keeping people out of hospital by providing services that people can access in their own community; that’s where our primary health services step in,” said Dr Melanie Trivett, RFDS Victoria General Manager of Health.

“When we began development of rural services, eye care was immediately identified as a much-needed service and it was clear that ACO Eye Health was the right partner for this program. ACO Eye Health’s experience with their own diverse outreach programs meant they were uniquely positioned to support the challenges off-site remote consultations while providing uncompromising, comprehensive care.”
General Manager of Outreach and Rural VES, Dr Josephine Li believes the Mobile Eye Care service is a lifeline for remote communities,
“Partnering with the RFDS Victoria to deliver our shared mission of equitable care has been hugely rewarding. The accessible intervention provided by this program including affordable glasses, appropriate treatment and pathways to advanced ophthalmology care, has a significant impact on eye health outcomes.”