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Access to care
Global estimates on the number of people blind or visually impaired by glaucoma: A meta-analysis from 2000 to 2020. Eye (Lond.)
Bourne, Vision Loss Expert Group, et al.
BCLA CLEAR Presbyopia: Epidemiology and impact. Cont Lens Anterior Eye
Markoulli M, Fricke TR, Arvind A, et al.
Access to care
Global estimates on the number of people blind or visually impaired by uncorrected refractive error: A meta-analysis from 2000 to 2020. Eye (Lond.)
Little, Vision Loss Expert Group, et al.
Access to care
The Australian Eye and Ear Health Survey (AEEHS): Study protocol for a population-based cross-sectional study. PLoS One.
Kha, Macken, Mitchell, Liew, Keay, Waddell, Yang, Do, Fricke, et al.
Vision in older people
Access to primary eye care for people living with dementia: a call to action for primary care practitioners to 'think vision'. Aust J Prim Health.
Piano (Coleman) M, Nguyen, Hui, Pond.
Vision in older people
Global estimates on the number of people blind or visually impaired by age-related macular degeneration: A meta-analysis from 2000 to 2020. Eye (Lond.)
Furtado, Vision Loss Expert Group, et al.
Access to care
Use of the CONSIDER statement by eye health researchers when conducting and reporting research involving Indigenous peoples: an online survey. Eye (Lond.)
Samuels I, Hamm LM, Silva JC, et al including the Indigenous Eye Health Research Consortium.
A novel tool for quantitative measurement of distortion in keratoconus.,’ Eye (Lond)
Joshi, M. R., Voison, K. J., Piano, M., Farnon, N. and Bex, P. J
Vision in children
Does vision therapy for visual information processing improve academic performance? A randomised clinical trial.,’ Ophthalmic Physiol Opt
Fricke, T. R., Metha, A. B., Anderson, D. P., Lea, A. K. and Anderson, A. J
Activity of retinal neurons can be modulated by tunable near red-infrared nanoparticle sensors. ACS Nano 17
Begeng JM, Tong W, del Rosal B, Ibbotson MR, Kameneva T, Stoddart P.
Feasibility Assessment of an Optically Powered Digital Retinal Prosthesis Architecture for Retinal Ganglion Cell Stimulation. J. Neural Engineering.
Lemaire W, Benhouria M, Koua K, Tong W, Martin-Hardy G, Stamp M, Ganesan K, Gauthier L-P, Besrour M, Ahnood A, Garrett D, Roy S, Ibbotson MR, Prawer S, Fontaine R
A rapid review of challenges and opportunities related to diversity and inclusion as experienced by early and mid-career academics in the medicine, dentistry and health sciences fields,’ BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION
Piano, M., Diemer, K., Hall, M., Hui, F., Kefalianos, E., Lawford, B. J., McKibbin, G. and Jarden, R. J
Access to care
‘Improving population-level refractive error monitoring via mixture distributions,’ OPHTHALMIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS
Fricke, T. R., Keay, L., Resnikoff, S., Tahhan, N., Koumbo, O., Paudel, P., Ayton, L. N., Britten-Jones, A. C., Kweon, S., Li, J. C. and Lee, L, et al.
Understanding visual processing of motion: Completing the picture using experimentally driven computational models of MT. Rev. Neurosci.
Zarei Eskikand P, Grayden DB, Kameneva T, Burkitt AN, Ibbotson MR
‘Characterization of extracellular spike waveforms recorded in wallaby primary visual cortex.’ Front. Neurosci
Jung YJ, Sun SH, Almasi A, Yunzab M, Meffin H, Ibbotson MR
Vision in older people
M 2023, ‘Primary eyecare provision for people living with dementia: what do we need to know?,’ CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPTOMETRY, vol.106,
Piano, M. E., Nguyen, B. N., Gocuk, S. A., Joubert, L. and McKendrick, A.