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Membership Benefits

In addition to supporting the ACO’s public eye health mission, Members enjoy a range of exclusive membership benefits.

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Support ACO’s Public Health Mission

ACO Membership offers a unique opportunity to improve eye health and well-being beyond your own practice, making an impact locally, nationally and internationally. With Member support, the ACO continues to provide essential eye care for underserved communities across Victoria through ACO Eye Health clinic and outreach services, while also advancing clinical research and optometric education serves to benefit countless others worldwide.

Professional Development

For over 80 years, the ACO has held a unique space in the professional education of optometrists, designing innovative education programs to support the evolving needs of the profession.

Today, the ACO continues to drive progressive and comprehensive education programs to maintain and improve clinical knowledge and skills, ensuring best possible care for patients throughout our community.

ACO Members can access our online and in-person CPD programs at exclusive discounted rates. ACO’s monthly online Seminar Series is also exclusive to Members.

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ACO Fellowship

Australian College of Optometry Fellowship recognises members who have made a significant contribution to the practice and profession of optometry and the wider community. ACO Fellows are held in high esteem within the profession and are entitled to use the post nominal FACO.

There are five categories under which ACO members can apply for Fellowship:

  1. Personal achievement in acquiring skill and knowledge
  2. Contribution to knowledge and learning
  3. Acquisition of special clinical expertise
  4. Professional leadership/service
  5. Previous Fellow of the ACO applying for reinstatement of Fellowship

To be eligible for ACO Fellowship, applicants must:

  • Have made a significant contribution to the practice and profession of optometry and the wider community
  • Be a full financial member of the ACO for the last three consecutive years
  • Practice in accordance with the ACO Code of Ethics and Practice Standards
Apply Now Criteria

Travel Grants

ACO Travel Grants are designed to support our Members to take on professional travel opportunities- no matter where in the world they arise. The ACO is dedicated to providing accessible eye care to all and advancing eye care through research and education. Linking closely with our ethos, we are proud to support Members through their journey of professional advancement or contributing their time and optometry skills to a disadvantaged community around the globe.

Grants range from $500 – $1000, depending on the category. They are available throughout the year but must be applied for at least 6 weeks prior to your travel, for the best chance of success.

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Attend a national or international scientific or professional meeting in order to present a paper or a poster, or to take some substantial official role (other than chair of a session) in the meeting

Undertake an overseas study tour to develop knowledge of best practice in optometry through visiting one or more centre(s) of excellence

Provide voluntary optometry services to a disadvantaged community, either in remote Australia or overseas, under the auspices of a recognised aid agency or program

More Information Apply Now
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Library Resources

The Nathan Library is a specialist collection of resources in the fields of optometry, ophthalmology, vision science and optics. The Nathan Library is renowned for its archival collection containing documents, books and a large collection of audio visual materials. The Library houses a collection of journal titles dating back as early as the 1940’s, a number of which are unique to Australia.

Clinicians Health Channel

Members can access the Clinicians Health Channel onsite at ACO Carlton. Members can reserve the ACO library or a meeting room free of charge by emailing [email protected]. Once on the onsite ACO network, your device will automatically have access to all resources on the Clinicians Health Channel

ACO Awards

The ACO is proud to recognise the outstanding achievements in the profession with our annual awards. These are to be presented to both Members and Non-Members who are held in high esteem by their peers and who have contributed to the ACO and/or the optometry profession.

Each year we invite Members to submit their nominations for the ACO Honorary Life Membership Award and the ACO Member Award for Outstanding Service.

Know someone deserving? Send us your recommendations today!

Nominations for ACO Awards are currently closed. Please contact [email protected] for any queries.

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